All ponytail braids are handmade in your hair color and come with multiple styling options. Wear your braid braided or twisted, pin it up into a hair bun...

2 x Elf Braid

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Custom color Elf Fairy Braids, a pair,50 cm/ 20 inches long plaits. Made to order in every hair color, 2 attachment options. High quality kanekalon hair.
Braid hair extension in special messy butterfly look. 50 cm/ 20 inches long and made in your hair color. Makes a fancy chignon when pinned up!
Custom color fantasy & viking style braid, model Snow White, 20 inches long plait with special braiding pattern. Order it in your hair color, see all details in the description!

2 x Snow White Braid

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2 x custom color fantasy & viking style braid, model Snow White, 20 inches long plait with special braiding pattern. Order it in your hair color, see all details in the description!